IR Information

Disclosure Policy

Basic Policy on Disclosure

In order to provide timely, accurate, and fair information to all shareholders and investors, the Company discloses information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the rules on timely disclosure as defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We proactively disclose information that is deemed to be beneficial for shareholders and investors to understand the Company, even where it does not fall under the rules on timely disclosure.

Methods of Disclosure

Information applicable to rules on timely disclosure will be disclosed to the Tokyo Stock Exchange in advance, and will be disclosed through the TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network), a timely information transmission system operated and used by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other domestic stock exchanges. Information will also be announced to the press through the Tokyo Stock Exchange Press Club "Kabuto Club."

Face-to-Face Disclosure, etc.

In order to maintain fairness of information disclosure, explanations via individual meetings and company briefings in a collective format, and inquiries by telephone or e-mail, etc., are limited to the scope of what has already been announced.


Among information disclosed by the Company, future forecasts such as business performance forecasts contain certain assumptions made that time or future forecasts based on those assumptions. The content of such forecasts is not guaranteed. Please note that, actual results may differ materially from those forecasts due to various factors such as changes in the economic and market conditions. In addition, we do not support any performance forecasts by third parties.

Quiet Periods

In order to prevent the leakage of accounting information and to maintain the fairness of information, the Company shall provide a quiet period from the day after the settlement date of each quarter to the announcement of the financial results. During this period, the Company shall not respond to or comment on questions concerning the settlement of accounts. Nevertheless, during the period, if we anticipate that actual results will greatly diverge from forecasts we have already announced, we will disclose information appropriately in accordance with the rules on timely disclosure.

Investment Judgments

The matters described on this website are solely intended to enable a deeper understanding of the Company. The information is not intended to solicit investment in any way. Users of this website are requested to use their own judgment when making investment decisions. Also, please see the Disclaimer when using this homepage.